Sunday, March 15, 2009

WWI Unhappiness :*(

Justine recently posted a bit about situations which encourage fascism here.

While I agree fascism in its most basic form appears much more stable of a government, but one reason which I believe makes fascism look increasingly beneficial is the failure, specifically of democracies or other governments which are ran "by the people." I believe this because, after seeing dramatic losses and suffering throughout countries, which were believed to be run *by* the people (those same people who ended up taking the brunt of the suffering), the failure's cause (ideologically) is seen: those people.

People don't like change unless *they* are in pain in some way or another. I'd agree that it's more than likely that the sweeping rise of fascist states, come the close of the Great War, would not have occurred if Italy, Russia, and Germany came out as, say, England did. As per Capitalism's influence on the war, I would not go as far as to say it encouraged the war, but that it acted as enabler.

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