Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Ironicity (yes, ironicity)

Response to the totally-conformist, capitalist.

In defense of Marx's theory, your opinion and views would necessarily be devoid as you represent the alienating, bourgeois rulers (or at least your family does). The problem with the arguing against Marx's type of thought is that unless you are part of the movement, you are blind until it occurs. Furthermore, since inevitable has absolutely no connotation of time, this "theory" can always be legitimized and therefor, we shouldn't even attempt to dissuade it's believers or Marx's followers, as sad as that may be. As to the idea of where the mass that'll make up the "proletariat revolutionary force" is, it's going to the ~10% (31,000,000) unemployed that will come in the next decade.

Say you're walking down Market street, you see a homeless man with no shoes, a pair of mud-caked, ripped jean shorts, and a long-sleeve shirt that is clearly nothing near his size; he is far too skinny and asks you for ANY type of money for something to eat. You really, really feel bad for the guy, but you've heard stats which say that often times, money given in such a fashion is spent on non-essential and further paining items (Alcohol, drugs etc.), so you continue walking. You could have gone back into the deli and got him a sandwich, but you don't (forgot, didn't think of it, etc.). THIS happens every single day, especially in SF and THIS is the polarization which Marx refers to, in action. Inevitable revolution is inevitable.


  1. Yo:
    1. Shave.
    2. I disagree:

  2. First of all, the homeless are not evidence of the inevitable proletarian revolution, until most of the population is homeless. In fact, I would argue that the homeless are not part of the working-class. For the most part, they cannot hold a steady job because of mental illness or drug abuse. If you had really wanted to make a point, you could have argued about real unemployment rates, which would be more indicative of the trend that you seem to be attempting to prove. As for your Proletariat revolutionary force or whatever, remember that those people would still be the minority, and would not have control of the government, police, or military.

    Second, I agree with David's point that I do not need to be a member of the proletariat to foresee the impending doom of civilization. I suggest that you read his post as well.

  3. For the record, most homelessness is economically related--people who are not crazy, just destitute. We have the idea that mentally ill folks are the bulk, because they are the visible face of homelessness. But work by Michael Schwartz at SUNY at Stony Brook suggests that the real face of homelessness is hidden--white women, hiding in out of the way places--garages, lofts, etc.
